As to performance and whether the teacher likes the student, your observations may be true. But overall, I believe that teachers who provide support and encouragement get better performance from their students. Maybe that’s not directly connected with whether they “like” a student; but I suspect it is easier to support a student who the teacher likes.

As for grades, I can only speak from my personal experience. There are many problems with grades (the fact that you could only spend 15 minutes grading per essay highlights some of that). But I do think that grades can encourage effort (in the way an annoying Peleton instructor gets me to work 20% harder). In my law school, we only had written evaluations. While I didn’t slack off, I think grades would have pushed me to give a little extra effort.

I have no recollection of my high school teachers showing movies just before vacations but that sounds like fun.

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All seven lessons are right on target. The only other one I might reflect on is Emotional Intelligence -- mine and everyone else's. If there was any lack of it, shit could hit the fan real quick. Still, even these moments, some difficult, some fun will always be part of good lessons I have taken with me in dealing with so many different types of people. Gotta love the work you do. Teachers rock!

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